Wednesday, August 14, 2024

JEWELWEED The Anti Itch Plant

 As its common name implies, jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) has a very beautiful flower. 

Jewelweed has a long history of use in Native American medicine. When applied topically, sap from the stem and leaves is said to relieve itching and pain from a variety of ailments, including hives, poison ivy, stinging nettle, and other skin sores and irritations.

How do you prepare jewelweed for poison ivy?

Chop jewelweed (the whole plant, stems, leaves, flowers and all) and place in an enamel saucepan, or a slow-cooker with a non-metallic liner. Pour in water, just to cover. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer (or cover and turn the crock pot on high) for several hours until a dark orange liquid emerges.

Can yu eat jewelweed raw?
The tiny propelled pellets taste like walnuts if you can gather enough to taste. They're the only raw-edible part of the plant
What parts of jewelweed are edible?
Jewelweeds also have edible uses. The shoots can be eaten in the early spring and the flowers, leaves, and stems can be eaten in the summer. The shoots should be gathered before they reach a height of 8 inches and should be boiled. When boiled, they should be boiled for 10-20 minutes in 2 changes of water.
Online Comments regarding the plant
I live along a river and jewel weed is one of the plants that is easily found here. I use it to take the sting away after coming in contact with stinging nettle. The relief is immediate and lasting. It takes the sting away the second it is applied. Break the stem, squeeze the stem ends and rub the juice on the area you want to treat. Have been doing this for years. The Jewel weed juice is also a mild fungicide.
Another Comment
Jewelweed grows here on my property. I use it for poison ivy/oak, rashes, bug bites.I use it by making it into natural soaps. I also use it by opening a stem & applying it directly to the affected area. It works very well. Never had an issue or a side effect using this plant.
For poison ivy,,oak,or many skin irritants, simply crush the flowers and leaves by rubbing them between the palms of the hands and patting the juices on the irritant.
How to preserve it?
To make your ice cubes, simply run the jewelweed plants through the juicer, and collect the green slime that comes out, tossing the fibrous parts into the compost bin or use it as plant mulch. Next, that the green slime, put it in an ice cube tray, and freeze it for 24 hours.

Jewelweed Spray Recipe

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • a generous handful of fresh jewelweed
  • witch hazel (the standard 14% alcohol kind from your local pharmacy or big box store is perfect)

To make it:

You’ll need to chop up your jewelweed, making sure you get the juice-filled nodes on the stem (that’s where the good stuff is concentrated).

Then blend it together with twice as much witch alcohol 14% (So if you have 1 cup chopped jewelweed, then blend it together with 2 cups alcohol 14% or witch hazel.)

Strain the jewelweed mixture through a fine mesh sieve.

Bottle the jewelweed spray up, then store in your refrigerator.

Shelf life is at least 2 to 3 weeks, if stored in your fridge.

Make Jewelweed Infused Vinegar

This vinegar is helpful to keep on hand for itchy skin flares and it doesn’t require refrigeration.

Directions to Make:

  1. Coarsely chop fresh jewelweed and place in a jar, filling 1/2 to 3/4 of the way, lightly packing as you go.
  2. Pour apple cider vinegar over the fresh plant matter until the jar is filled.
  3. Stir a few times with a chopstick or knife to release any air bubbles.
  4. Cover with a plastic cap, or place a few layers of plastic wrap or parchment paper between a metal lid and the jar. This forms a barrier that prevents the vinegar from corroding the metal top over time.
  5. Allow to infuse for 2 to 3 weeks, then strain into a clean jar.
  6. Cover with a plastic cap, label, and store until needed. Shelf life is about one year.

To use jewelweed vinegar: Saturate a cotton ball with the infused vinegar and gently rub over itchy spots. Allow to air dry on your skin. Apply as needed for relief. Extra sensitive skin types may want to dilute with water before use.

Ingredients for Melt & Pour Jewelweed Soap

  • ¼ cup (9 g) chopped fresh jewelweed
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) water
  • 8 oz (227 g) clear soap base, cut into 1″ (2.5-cm) cubes
  • ½ tsp finely ground oats or colloidal oats
  • 0.45 g (~⅛ tsp) lavender essential oil (optional)
  • Silicone mold (X-Haibei 6-cavity mooncake mold pictured)
  • Rubbing alcohol, for spritzing

Directions to Make Melt & Pour Jewelweed Soap

  1. In a heatproof jar or container, combine the chopped jewelweed, water and soap base and cover loosely with a canning lid or heatproof saucer.
  2. Place the jar in a saucepan containing a few inches (at least 5 cm) of water, forming a makeshift double boiler.
  3. Heat over medium-low heat until the soap is almost melted, 15 to 25 minutes, then stir the mixture and lower the heat to low.
  4. Gently infuse for an additional 25 to 30 minutes, or until the base is completely melted and has turned a greenish brown color.
  5. Remove from the heat and stir in the oats.
  6. Strain the hot soap mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean container or jar, then stir in the lavender essential oil (if using).
  7. Pour into the soap molds and spray the top with alcohol.
  8. Let cool until completely hardened, 2 to 3 hours.
  9. Remove from the molds and wrap tightly.
  10. Label and store in a cool, dry spot out of direct sunlight.

Natural Jewelweed Soap Recipe (Cold Process)

This recipe comes straight from the pages of my Simple & Natural Soapmaking print book.

(Don’t have a copy yet? Visit Amazon or your local bookseller to buy it today!)

If plantain isn’t available, you could use violet, chickweed, or comfrey leaves instead, or just add extra jewelweed to the mix.

Oil, water, and lye amounts are all measured by weight. You must use an accurate scale to make soap.

Ingredients for Jewelweed Soap (Cold Process)

  • 1 cup chopped fresh jewelweed
  • 1 cup chopped fresh plantain
  • 8.75 oz (248 g) distilled water
  • 3.95 oz (112 g) sodium hydroxide (lye)
  • 1 teaspoon chlorella powder (from Mt Rose Herbs)
  • 8 oz (227 g) coconut oil (28.5%)
  • 12 oz (340 g) olive oil (43%)
  • 4 oz (113 g) rice bran oil (or more olive) (14.25%)
  • 4 oz (113 g) sunflower or sweet almond oil (14.25%)
  • 1.06 oz (30 g) lavender essential oil (optional)

Directions to Make Cold Process Jewelweed Soap

(This is a brief summary of directions – please see my Soap Making 101 article for more details on making your own soap.)

  1. Blend the jewelweed and plantain together with 2 ounces of water until fully pureed.
  2. Add the rest of the water and stir well.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to infuse for several hours or overnight.
  4. Remove and strain the resulting greenish-brown juice.
  5. Weigh out 8.5 oz for use in the soap, adding more distilled water as needed.
  6. Wearing gloves & protective eyewear, carefully stir the lye into the chilled jewelweed/plantain juice.
  7. Stir in the chlorella powder.
  8. The lye solution may develop an unpleasant skunk-like smell; this is normal and won’t last.
  9. Set the lye solution in a safe place to cool for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until it reaches around 100 to 110°F.
  10. Warm the oils to 100 to 110°F, then blend in the cooled lye solution.
  11. Using a combination of hand stirring and an immersion blender, stir the soap until it reaches trace.
  12. Stir in the lavender essential oil, if using, then pour into a prepared mold.
  13. Cover and allow to remain in the mold for at least 24 hours, or until it can be removed easily.
  14. Cut into bars and cure for at least 4 to 6 weeks.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Passion Flower Tea For Lowering Blood Pressure and Anxiety

Is passionflower stronger than chamomile?
Discovered by Spanish explorers in South America in the sixteenth century, passionflower provides a slightly stronger remedy for anxiety than chamomile and as a result is often used for slightly more ambitious medicinal interventions like anxiety disorder.

Passion flower also has blood pressure lowering effects and blood pressure may drop too low in individuals taking blood pressure medications. Individuals should check with their physicians before using this supplement.

Passionflower tea recipe
To prepare a cup of the tea, simply infuse 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of dried passionflower (or one tea bag) in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep the tea bag for at least five to seven minutes. If using loose passionflower, strain the liquid into a serving cup and sweeten with honey if desired.

What part of the passion flower do you use?
The above-ground parts (flowers, leaves, and stems) of the passionflower are used for medicinal purposes.

How do you put flowers in tea?
It is easy to make a tea whether using dried or fresh flowers. Use one tablespoon of fresh flowers or one teaspoon of dried flowers steeped in one cup of boiling water. Camellia sinensis or tea plant is the most popular plant used for tea-making on earth.

How to use passion flower leaves?

Using Passionflower Medicinally

Passionflower aerial parts - leaves, vines, tendrils, flowers - is one of my favorite herbs for sleep and sedation the nervous system. Enjoy it fresh or dry, as tea, tincture, capsule, whatever. It's often quite effective and blends well with other herbs.

How long does it take to boil passion flower?
Usage Advice: For a perfect cup of tea, use 2-3 grams of passionflower per 300 ml of boiling water and let it pull for 8-10 minutes.

How do you prepare passion flower for consumption?
Passion Flower Tea Recipe
  1. 1 teaspoon of dried passion flower leaves (or 1 tablespoon fresh)
  2. 8 oz. boiling water.
  3. Honey (optional)
  4. Lemon (optional)

Effects & Use

The Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata) has a long history as a medicinal plant and is a trusted general relaxant. It is used as a remedy for nervous tension and an over-active brain that, in particular, prevents sleep. Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine describes it as a “mild sedative and analgesic without leaving depression.” If you come across one or have one growing in your garden, you can pick the leaves (tender ones are nicer, but they are all effective) and the flowers, dry them and then make tea with them whenever you want a lovely, soothing tea.

Rose Petals Tea is Good for Heart Disease Diabetes Obesity Cognitive Diseases

What are the benefits of rose tea?
Lower Risk of Chronic Disease - The polyphenols in rose tea have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cognitive diseases.

If you're making tea from fresh petals, you need about 2 cups of washed petals. Simply boil them with 3 cups (700 ml) of water for about 5 minutes. Once finished, strain the tea into cups and enjoy.

Is rose tea a laxative?
Rose tea can help your digestive system function properly and is commonly used as a mild natural laxative. Weight management. Because it's a healthy beverage primarily made from water and because it contains polyphenols that can inhibit fat cell production, rose tea can help you manage your weight.

Does rose tea reduce belly fat?
Rose tea helps flush out toxins from the body and assist in losing excess water weight. It helps with tummy reduction by fighting against bloating and constipation issues. Consuming 3 cups (each 150 ml) of Teacurry Rose Petals Tea on a daily basis will assist with fat burn.

Rose water, a liquid made from water infused with rose petals, is one of the many ways roses can be used for health, beauty, and even food and drink. The use of rose water may have originated in Iran prior to the 7th century CE. Fast forward to the modern day, and rose water is still a health and wellness staple.

How to make tea from rose flowers?

  1. Get one fresh rose, pluck the petals, and wash them thoroughly.
  2. Add ½ a cup of water and the rose petals in a teapot or a saucepan.
  3. When the water starts boiling simmer it for 5 minutes or wait until the color of rose petals runs off completely into the water.
  4. Use a strainer and transfer the tea to a cup.
Other source states

Can I just boil rose petals?
Do not boil or simmer the petals – doing so will destroy some of their properties. Just let them steep in the hot water for 20 minutes.

Ways to Use Roses Medicinally

The health benefits of roses are many (as listed above). Because of this, roses can be used in teas, honey, syrups, herbal tinctures and glycerites. Rosehips can also be dried 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

About Food

It is very important to stay in balance and harmony. This apply to the physical body as well as the mental bodies.

Truly evolved beings of planet earth are very difficult to find. They are widraw and become impersonal. Theybare widraw from the masses and can be found only by another enlightened one.

In order to perfect the human body the foods which man places in his mouth for the function of nutrition should be perfect.

It is desirable to switch from undesirable forms of eating with live food slowly but surely..
Stop drinking string black coffee, because it is depleting the mind. Younshoukd take 2 or 3 months to break the coffe habit.

Thise who indulge too frequently in candies pastries cakesof all types of sweet, fattening artifical foods should gradua change your eating habits.

Thise who eat meat do not eat it at e very meal.  Learn the meaning of the word balance and apply it at every meal.

Those who are able to enter in silence contact the inner mind mentally and allow your inner mind to speak to you and tell you what you need.

Stop eating cow milk. This willnretard you spiritually.

Too many.peoples eat too my eggs. They block the higher self. Use balance when eating eggs.

Pure chocolate may be eaten occasionally is energizing and helpful in some.cases.

Alcoholic beverages may be taken. They ate not harmful provided you drink in balance. Beverages made from the juice of grapes are the drink of the GOD".

The canning  food made by large canning companies lost its benefits by being overcooked.

Whenever possible it is better to eat fresh foods which have riped on the vine.

Bread with grapes is good .
Foods should be washed. Berries and fruits and blessings from the Gods.

Man can survive in berries,  melons, , corn and bean sprouts.

You should eat all the foonds available however it is important how much you eat

All meat has a quality which creates worms quickly. When an animal.was killed the meat should be cooked enough to overcome.

Find the attunemed and harmony within yourself, otherwise the knowledge would nit help.

Melons should be eaten riped on the vine.

It is not good ro plave anything in your mouth too hot or too cold. Nothing you drink should be iced. This is harmfulto the living organs and cells in your body.

It is impossible for a man to become great spiritually and mentally if his physical body lags behind.

Source;  "Shocking Obscure and Beneficial
Valiant Thor's Wisdom from  Venus" by Valiant Thor

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Medicinal Flowers Lavender NASTURTIUM CALENDULA



Aromatherapists use lavender in inhalation therapy to treat headaches, nervous disorders, and exhaustion. Herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections (like candidiasis), wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavender oil. It is also used in a healing bath for joint and muscle pain.


Lavender & Oats 🌾🪻

- 500g soap base

- 2 tbsp oats

- 20 drops of lavender essential oil

- 2 tbsp dry lavender flowers

Instructions: 🥣🫧

- Melt your soap base in a double boiler.

- If using shea butter, ensure it’s grated, not chopped, as it takes longer to melt than the soap base.

- If using powder, first mix it thoroughly with an oil to eliminate clumps, then add it to the melted soap.

- Once melted, turn off the heat, then add your oils and the remaining ingredients.

- Note: Any extra ingredient you add or change can make the mixture harder, less oily, or solidify faster.

- Mix well and pour into the silicone mold.

- Let it solidify, then store in an airtight container.


The dried petals of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments, and washes to treat burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as the minor infections they cause. Calendula also has been shown to help prevent dermatitis or skin inflammation in people with breast cancer during radiation therapy.

- Sun dry your fresh calendula for about 5-7 days

- infuse your favourite oil with dry calendula for 30 days (I used olive oil)

- In the top part of a double boiler, add 1 cup of your calendula oil and roughly 3 x tbsp soy wax or bees wax. You can also add any essential oil but I prefer to keep it as natural as possible.

- Add water to the bottom section of the double boiler so you can melt but not burn the mixture.

- While still hot, carefully pour the mix in your containers and leave it to cool down until completely cold.

- Apply a thin layer to your skin and enjoy the benefits of this incredible skin salve 🙏🏻


People take nasturtium in combination with other herbs for urinary tract infections (UTIs), swollen airways, cough, and bronchitis. Nasturtium is sometimes applied directly to the skin in combination with other herbs for mild muscular pain.


- 15/20 x nasturtium leaves

- Any vegetables you like

- 3 x Tbsp oat cream

- Olive oil

- Optional: old bread crutons

*keep some flowers to decorate the dish


- 250 g x plant based butter

- 1 x handfuls flowers

- Salt & pepper


- 50 g x nasturtium seeds

- 100/150 g x corse salt

*dehydrate both, grind in a mortar and enjoy!

Oregano Oil


Oregano leaves and olive oil leave 4-6 weeks strain and use.
good anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti viruses, fight cold and flu, candida, 5G illnesses

Natural Antibiotic

 One  half cup of raw Organic Honey

1 tea spoon Turmeric

Half tea spoon of ginger

1 tea spoon of vanilla.


It is anti microbial , anti bacteria, anti inflammatory, 

One tea spoon a day keep the cold cough and flu away.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Healty Seed Combination good for Bones and Metabolism

3 table spoons of raisin

1 table spoon of baking soda
3 tablespoons of pumpkin sewds
4 tablespoons of sesame seeds
8 table spoons of flaxseed
1 table spoon of unflavored gelatin
Raisins prepared previously
2 table spoons of honey


Support metabolism
Good for circulation and hearth
Combat joint pains

Have a spoon in the moring and another at night

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Books for Sale in Newmarket


Books and Paintings

by Liliana Usvat

Event: 2024 Newmarket Home & Lifestyle Show

Where? Ray Twinney Recreation Complex formerly known as the Newmarket Recreational Complex

Address: 100 Eagle St W, Newmarket, ON L3Y 1J4

Arena #2 Booth #221


Saturday, April 6th (10:00am – 5:00pm) Sunday, April 7th (10:00am – 5:00pm)

Free Entry

Free Parking