Showing posts with label JEWELWEED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JEWELWEED. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

JEWELWEED The Anti Itch Plant

 As its common name implies, jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) has a very beautiful flower. 

Jewelweed has a long history of use in Native American medicine. When applied topically, sap from the stem and leaves is said to relieve itching and pain from a variety of ailments, including hives, poison ivy, stinging nettle, and other skin sores and irritations.

How do you prepare jewelweed for poison ivy?

Chop jewelweed (the whole plant, stems, leaves, flowers and all) and place in an enamel saucepan, or a slow-cooker with a non-metallic liner. Pour in water, just to cover. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer (or cover and turn the crock pot on high) for several hours until a dark orange liquid emerges.

Can yu eat jewelweed raw?
The tiny propelled pellets taste like walnuts if you can gather enough to taste. They're the only raw-edible part of the plant
What parts of jewelweed are edible?
Jewelweeds also have edible uses. The shoots can be eaten in the early spring and the flowers, leaves, and stems can be eaten in the summer. The shoots should be gathered before they reach a height of 8 inches and should be boiled. When boiled, they should be boiled for 10-20 minutes in 2 changes of water.
Online Comments regarding the plant
I live along a river and jewel weed is one of the plants that is easily found here. I use it to take the sting away after coming in contact with stinging nettle. The relief is immediate and lasting. It takes the sting away the second it is applied. Break the stem, squeeze the stem ends and rub the juice on the area you want to treat. Have been doing this for years. The Jewel weed juice is also a mild fungicide.
Another Comment
Jewelweed grows here on my property. I use it for poison ivy/oak, rashes, bug bites.I use it by making it into natural soaps. I also use it by opening a stem & applying it directly to the affected area. It works very well. Never had an issue or a side effect using this plant.
For poison ivy,,oak,or many skin irritants, simply crush the flowers and leaves by rubbing them between the palms of the hands and patting the juices on the irritant.
How to preserve it?
To make your ice cubes, simply run the jewelweed plants through the juicer, and collect the green slime that comes out, tossing the fibrous parts into the compost bin or use it as plant mulch. Next, that the green slime, put it in an ice cube tray, and freeze it for 24 hours.

Jewelweed Spray Recipe

Ingredients You’ll Need

  • a generous handful of fresh jewelweed
  • witch hazel (the standard 14% alcohol kind from your local pharmacy or big box store is perfect)

To make it:

You’ll need to chop up your jewelweed, making sure you get the juice-filled nodes on the stem (that’s where the good stuff is concentrated).

Then blend it together with twice as much witch alcohol 14% (So if you have 1 cup chopped jewelweed, then blend it together with 2 cups alcohol 14% or witch hazel.)

Strain the jewelweed mixture through a fine mesh sieve.

Bottle the jewelweed spray up, then store in your refrigerator.

Shelf life is at least 2 to 3 weeks, if stored in your fridge.

Make Jewelweed Infused Vinegar

This vinegar is helpful to keep on hand for itchy skin flares and it doesn’t require refrigeration.

Directions to Make:

  1. Coarsely chop fresh jewelweed and place in a jar, filling 1/2 to 3/4 of the way, lightly packing as you go.
  2. Pour apple cider vinegar over the fresh plant matter until the jar is filled.
  3. Stir a few times with a chopstick or knife to release any air bubbles.
  4. Cover with a plastic cap, or place a few layers of plastic wrap or parchment paper between a metal lid and the jar. This forms a barrier that prevents the vinegar from corroding the metal top over time.
  5. Allow to infuse for 2 to 3 weeks, then strain into a clean jar.
  6. Cover with a plastic cap, label, and store until needed. Shelf life is about one year.

To use jewelweed vinegar: Saturate a cotton ball with the infused vinegar and gently rub over itchy spots. Allow to air dry on your skin. Apply as needed for relief. Extra sensitive skin types may want to dilute with water before use.

Ingredients for Melt & Pour Jewelweed Soap

  • ¼ cup (9 g) chopped fresh jewelweed
  • 1 tbsp (15 ml) water
  • 8 oz (227 g) clear soap base, cut into 1″ (2.5-cm) cubes
  • ½ tsp finely ground oats or colloidal oats
  • 0.45 g (~⅛ tsp) lavender essential oil (optional)
  • Silicone mold (X-Haibei 6-cavity mooncake mold pictured)
  • Rubbing alcohol, for spritzing

Directions to Make Melt & Pour Jewelweed Soap

  1. In a heatproof jar or container, combine the chopped jewelweed, water and soap base and cover loosely with a canning lid or heatproof saucer.
  2. Place the jar in a saucepan containing a few inches (at least 5 cm) of water, forming a makeshift double boiler.
  3. Heat over medium-low heat until the soap is almost melted, 15 to 25 minutes, then stir the mixture and lower the heat to low.
  4. Gently infuse for an additional 25 to 30 minutes, or until the base is completely melted and has turned a greenish brown color.
  5. Remove from the heat and stir in the oats.
  6. Strain the hot soap mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean container or jar, then stir in the lavender essential oil (if using).
  7. Pour into the soap molds and spray the top with alcohol.
  8. Let cool until completely hardened, 2 to 3 hours.
  9. Remove from the molds and wrap tightly.
  10. Label and store in a cool, dry spot out of direct sunlight.

Natural Jewelweed Soap Recipe (Cold Process)

This recipe comes straight from the pages of my Simple & Natural Soapmaking print book.

(Don’t have a copy yet? Visit Amazon or your local bookseller to buy it today!)

If plantain isn’t available, you could use violet, chickweed, or comfrey leaves instead, or just add extra jewelweed to the mix.

Oil, water, and lye amounts are all measured by weight. You must use an accurate scale to make soap.

Ingredients for Jewelweed Soap (Cold Process)

  • 1 cup chopped fresh jewelweed
  • 1 cup chopped fresh plantain
  • 8.75 oz (248 g) distilled water
  • 3.95 oz (112 g) sodium hydroxide (lye)
  • 1 teaspoon chlorella powder (from Mt Rose Herbs)
  • 8 oz (227 g) coconut oil (28.5%)
  • 12 oz (340 g) olive oil (43%)
  • 4 oz (113 g) rice bran oil (or more olive) (14.25%)
  • 4 oz (113 g) sunflower or sweet almond oil (14.25%)
  • 1.06 oz (30 g) lavender essential oil (optional)

Directions to Make Cold Process Jewelweed Soap

(This is a brief summary of directions – please see my Soap Making 101 article for more details on making your own soap.)

  1. Blend the jewelweed and plantain together with 2 ounces of water until fully pureed.
  2. Add the rest of the water and stir well.
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator to infuse for several hours or overnight.
  4. Remove and strain the resulting greenish-brown juice.
  5. Weigh out 8.5 oz for use in the soap, adding more distilled water as needed.
  6. Wearing gloves & protective eyewear, carefully stir the lye into the chilled jewelweed/plantain juice.
  7. Stir in the chlorella powder.
  8. The lye solution may develop an unpleasant skunk-like smell; this is normal and won’t last.
  9. Set the lye solution in a safe place to cool for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until it reaches around 100 to 110°F.
  10. Warm the oils to 100 to 110°F, then blend in the cooled lye solution.
  11. Using a combination of hand stirring and an immersion blender, stir the soap until it reaches trace.
  12. Stir in the lavender essential oil, if using, then pour into a prepared mold.
  13. Cover and allow to remain in the mold for at least 24 hours, or until it can be removed easily.
  14. Cut into bars and cure for at least 4 to 6 weeks.