Showing posts with label Garlic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garlic. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Parasites Killer Foods

Cancer cells and parasites use similar molecular mechanisms for survival in their hosts. Indeed, cancer cells might be thought of as normal cells that have lost their growth control mechanisms and have acquired parasitic features.

Here are 7 parasite Killers Foods


Honey and Papaya seeds

Anise Oil

Gloves of Garlic

Pumpkin Seeds

Pomegrade Arils



There's no need to peel beets if you're going to cook them because the skin is easily removed once cooked. My preferred method is to roast beets, which concentrates their flavor and boosts their sweeter side. Wash and wrap them in aluminum foil and place them in a 400° oven for 40–60 minutes, or until fork tender.

Here are five ways to eat beets.

  1. Raw! – Yes, beets are quite good raw. Slice them up and 
  2. serve them with a sprinkle of chile and lemon. Delicious.
  3. Roasted with goat cheese. – The classic, all-time favorite 
  4. preparation. Roast beets until they are tender and juicy,
  5. then eat them with some spicy greens and piquant goat cheese
  6. Add some hazelnuts and you’re in heaven.
  7. In a salad. – Beets make a good complement to other salad 
  8. staples. Try them tossed with barley and feta in a grain salad
  9. or with onions and horseradish cream in an elegant composed dinner salad.
  10. Pickled! – Pickled beets are just marvelous. The tangy vinegar 
  11. and sweetness complements beets’ earth undernotes. Try a 
  12. quick batch of refrigerator beet pickes.
  13. As dessert. – Beets and their smoky, earthy sweetness are 
  14. the secret ingredient in some fabulous desserts,

Pumpkin Seeds

The best and easiest way to eat pumpkin seeds is to just start eating them. Keep them in a small jar and munch on them whenever you feel like it. It is best to have them plain and enjoy its sweet and nutty taste!

Pomegrade Arils

Pomegranate seeds, also known as arils, are safe to eat and have numerous health benefits. They are high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. Pomegranate seeds are often consumed raw or added to smoothies, salads, or other dishes.

Gloves of Garlic

Garlic, butter, and toast are best friends. You can toast up a slice of bread, butter it generously, and sprinkle raw minced garlic on top as a super garlic toast.Ideal  is to eat 2 garlic cloves per day


A wormwood tea can be made by adding 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (2.5 to 5 grams) of the herb to 1 cup (250 ml) of boiling water, then steeping for ten to fifteen minutes. Many doctors recommend drinking three cups (750 ml) each day. Tincture, 10–20 drops in water, can be taken ten to fifteen minutes before each meal.

Anise Oil

Now that you know where to find anise oil and how to use it, let’s t

alk about the various ways you can use it. You will find that anise oil can 

be quite effective in helping relieve some common health issues.

1. Relieve cramps- Add a few drops of anise oil to almond oil and massage 

onto the abdomen. This can help ease muscular and menstrual cramping.

2. Hiccups- Add a few drops to a diffusing device and inhale. The steam 

should help relieve hiccups.

3. Freshens breath- You can add a few drops of anise oil to warm water 

and use as a gargle to treat bad breath.

4. Lessen nausea- If nausea is an issue, you can diffuse in your space or

add a few drops to your palms and inhale.

5. Clean wounds- Anise oil can be dabbed on wounds to help clean the 

area and lessen chances of infection.

6. Keep pests away- Bugs hate the scent of anise. Add a few drops to a cotton ball and place anywhere that mice are an issue.

7. Soothe sore muscles- Add a few drops of anise oil to your massage

 creams or lotions to help soothe sore and aching muscles.

8. Break up congestion- You can diffuse anise oil in a space where 

you are present and it can help loosen up congestion.

9. Add flavor- If you like the flavor of anise, you can add a few drops

 of food grade anise oil to desserts and beverages. It works well in

 cookies, cakes, and breads.

10. Give beauty products a pop of fragrance- Anise can be added 

to any of your homemade beauty products for a pleasant scent.

Anise oil can be quite beneficial and is one that is worth checking out. 

If you are looking for some natural home remedies or just a way to 

add the unique anise flavor to your cooking, check out anise oil and see if 

it is an oil that works for you.

Honey and Papaya seeds

Mix papaya with honey and papaya seeds and eat at night.

Health benefits of Papaya seeds are: powerful antioxidant papaya seeds are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins Healthy Gut Helps in Weight Loss Anti-cancer Properties Nephroprotective Maintains Cardiovascular Health Reduces inflammation Good for our Skin Health Benefits of Papaya The papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit. It’s loaded with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, fight disease and help keep you looking young. Delicious and Loaded With Nutrients Join this channel to get access to perks:

Choose 3 of these parasites remedies  and Take them for 3 weeks

Monday, February 12, 2024

Heavy Metals Detox

Cilantro every meal, and purple onion( with peels) and apple tea drink hot, lemon and lime water all day

(Lisa Tracy )cut up a green apple in quarters,  and same with red onion with skin. Red onion skin has natural quercetin and combined helps eliminate toxins

(Tonya Slocum )Feary you can also take most of the ingredients you listed and add tomatoes to make salsa. Tomatoes are good for detoxing heavy metals.

Celery juice, ionic foot cleanse and lymphatic massage.

Activated charcoal.

Some use a Spooky2 rife machine.

Celery juice

Most inexpensive and only product that has an access all areas to all atomic structures right out to the galactic. As it is plant medicine and isnt restricted by the body like zeolite and other products are. (While good and effective in what they do, the body wont allow them to travel everywhere).
And Immediate results in my own experience of heavy metals starting to clear. Hope this helps. Love Victoria

In Ayurveda you can introduce ghee in your diet, clarfied butter, ghee remove from the liver and DTract,  heavy things to eliminate them in your poopoo. Worms can be eliminated with warm milk boiled with garlic as a purgative, because worms influence you to crave sugar, and junk food. They affect your brain and nervous systeme.

Also soaking your feet in cider vinegar once a week helps

Yes! Bentonite clay, zeolite clay, charcoal.. with castor oil

Organic Germanium

Just eat greens, cilantro, etc .
Also, apple pectin is good.
Supplements like milk thistle and dandelion are good too.

1 Quart distilled water mix 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp celtic sea salt, stir well... then drink 1/4 of it, then every 2 hours drink another 1/4 of it.   I would add a really good vitamin c, some cilantro in diet, liquid iodine is amazing for thyroid function.  Baths are a really great way to pull out metals and parasites. I use a variety in bath;  Borax, Charcoal, Chaparral, Clay, spiralina or chlorella.  As always check with your higher self!!!  baking soda for some people can be too strong and mess with your gut bacteria..  less is more.  And like many said here the slow and steady is much better than the super flush, when it comes to heavy metals.  We are bombarded daily with all the metals falling on us from genocide stratospheric engineering, our food, water etc.   This is a LIFESTYLE integration not a 1 off or I'm gonna strip my insides of everything kinda approach.  Be loving and listen to your body... Tell your cells to gracefully ditch all the metals no longer serving my best self.. Thank you cells, every little cell in my body is happy, every little cell in my body is well.  If you tell a trillion cells what to do they actually do it that is HOW POWERFUL YOUR MIND IS!!

Oh and stop the influx of heavy metals too by using a water filter, don't eat canned tuna, don't use aluminium cookware etc

Whole body detox bath with Soda Bicarbonate, magnesium flakes, Borax, Celtic salt + bentonite clay

Sea weed.  Activated charcoal.  Lemon water in the morning.  Detox bath with epsom salt, baking soda and borax.

Celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothie-

2 cups wild blueberries
2 bananas
Atlantic dulse
Barley grass juice powder
Fresh juice of an orange

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Antibiotics from nearly 2,000 years ago

Oregano and the oil of oregano
You’ve probably used oregano as a flavoring in your favorite Italian dishes without even realizing the health benefits that it contains. Beyond its antibacterial properties, oregano can help with digestion and aid in weight loss. An oil that is found in oregano, Carvacrol, has been found to fight the bacteria that can lead to infections. The oil of oregano has been found to treat digestive infections, and even one particular yeast infection. It is more than just a food flavoring.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
The far-reaching benefits of daily doses of apple cider vinegar (ACV) include antibiotic and antiseptic properties, naturally alkalizing your system, and can aid you in everything from managing your weight to lowering cholesterol and your risk of cancer. A chemical-free astringent, ACV can be used topically to disinfect and sterilize.
Ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to treat wounds and prevent infection.
Civilizations all over the world continue to consider honey one of the best natural antibiotics, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, and antiseptics known to man after thousands of years.
New Zealand’s Manuka honey has been proven to have the highest levels of antioxidants and curative powers.
An enzyme found in honey releases hydrogen peroxide. This process helps your body fight infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. Soothing to the digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps your liver operate more efficiently.
A great boost to the immune system, consider combining honey with cinnamon to strengthen your white blood cells! Raw, organic honey is the best option since most pasteurization methods kills the antioxidant effects.
This spice isn’t just rich in color and flavor, but it also products your body against harm. Turmeric and be both consumed and applied externally, making it a great choice for fighting against bacteria. For extra benefit, from combining two bacteria fighting substances, you can mix turmeric with honey and create a paste to apply to infected areas on your skin.
You can protect your body against infections and bacteria based sicknesses by taking advantage of these safe and natural remedies that are available in the average kitchen. Protect your body without the use of prescription drugs by using honey, oregano, garlic, echinacea, and turmeric.
Flavorful and wonderful on a piece of butter toast, this plant also has very powerful qualities to it. Garlic can fight such simple infections as the common cold, pushing the germs away before they have a change to disrupt your life. Using the allicin that it contains, garlic protects against yeast, parasites, bacteria, and more. If you are looking for a simple way to live healthier, add more garlic to your diet.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study that found grapefruit seed extract (GSE) effective against more than 800 forms of viruses and bacteria, more than a hundred strains of fungus, and many parasites.
High in many antioxidants, GSE boosts immunity, alkalizes the body naturally, and aids in digestion by improving your beneficial gut flora.
So, you might not have as much experience with this product, but it is a safe herb that is found in many kitchens. The consumption of this herb has been proven to reduce the amount of colds that a person deals with in their life, and shorten the colds that the person does have to face. This herb is a great choice when taken as a preventative measure.
There are sulfur compounds found in cabbage – a member of the cruciferous family that includes broccoli and kale – that have been shown effective as cancer fighters.
What many people don’t realize is how much vitamin C is found in cabbage. One cup provides 75% of what you need every day.
Naturally antibacterial, eating shredded raw cabbage in your salad, as a side dish in the form of slaw, or drinking fresh cabbage juice (with honey added to sweeten) is an excellent way to improve digestion, prevent disease, and even manage your weight!
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
There is not enough that can be said for the benefits of coconut oil. It has naturally occurring anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and is packed with antioxidants you can’t find anywhere else in nature.
Use it to boost your immune system, balance thyroid, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and even improve brain function. Safe to use internally and externally, coconut oil is one of the most versatile and unique gifts from Mother Nature.
Stir a spoonful into your morning coffee for added energy and a clearer head all day.
Fermented food
Unpasteurized cabbage, homemade pickles, kefir and probiotic yogurts, all of these renew our intestinal flora, protects us from cancer and keeps our body fit to fight off infections.
Colloidal Silver
A natural antibiotic, colloidal silver is a mixture of silver particles suspended in fluid that have been used for centuries.

This treatment is temporary since too much silver – a heavy metal – can be toxic. However, it disables the enzyme that single-cell bacteria require to multiply. Deprived of their oxygen supply, the bacteria and viruses are destroyed without damage to you.