Monday, August 19, 2024

Psi Energy Biofield Aura Exercises that Improve Immune System


These exercises initially introduced initially  by Sabrina Sabrina Wallace are helping to improve the immune system and increase the biofield protecting the aura. These exercises create stem cells naturally.

Humans are ALL born perfectly, just as intended, with a natural electromagnetic biofield!! We are a force to be reckoned with!! This DNA generated body part has been hidden from us all, removed from our vocab and instead spoken of as fake or religious. It's neither. It's a part of the human body. It's why your heart is beating.

This video is also dedicated to all of humanity.


Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Cult of Medics


In this video you will see how Nurses were abused in Canada . Nuremberg Trials Covid Vaccines came with large empty pages withouth showing the Ingredients.
The video makes the Parallel with a Cult in South America where good people died. Same thing was happening around the world with the bioweapon that was the vaccine and mass media and governments complicity transportation companies and medical institutions complicity. 

Much of what the drug companies do fulfill the criterii of organized crime în US Law. They behave în many ways like Mafia does. They corrupt everything they can corrupt. The corupt even the Ministry of Health. The drug companies buy the profesors first. Then chifs if department. They don't buy the junior doctors.

Scientific rigor combin̈e elements of mathematics logic philosophy ethics and intellectual honesty.

The prescription drugs are the third cause if death after hearth disease and cancer. They kill 200,000 people in America every year. And half if these people die because iifnrhe side effects of the drugs. Half of them die of medical errors the doctors are making because easy medications came with 20 to 30 cautions contraindications or side effects. No doctor în the world knows all of this.