Sunday, April 10, 2016
Qi Gong Energy Healing Exercises
Morning Qi Gong Exercise
QiGong 18 Forms
QiGong 18 Forms
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Baking Soda Good for Nails, teeth whitening, itching, canker sores and herpes, thrombosis, itching from poison ivy, oak, peptic ulcer, and drug in-toxification, prevents hyperkalemia, bladder infection and kidney stones
Baking soda is likely the most inexpensive health remedy in the world.
It is effective at combating everything from colds to cancer,
as well as beneficial for oral health, deodorants and so much more.
If it’s one thing you want in your home pharmacy, its baking soda.
Health benefits of baking soda include reduced risk and prevention of diarrhea, metabolic acidosis, acidity, peptic ulcer, and drug in-toxification.
It has anti-ich or antipruritic properties which help in maintaining healthy skin.
It is effective home remedy in cold and flu and plaque removal.
It is a good source of sodium – prevents hyperkalemia, bladder infection and kidney stones.
In this article we are going to talk about baking soda uses that you haven’t heard before:
Old Wives’ Remedy
After an intensive and hard exercise, you can drink a mixture of water and baking soda, to relieve your muscles.Put some baking soda on a used nail brush and use it to scrub your nails to remove grime and nail fungus.Make a mixture out of: 3 tbs. baking soda, 1 tbs. peppermint essential oil, 1 tbs. salt and warm water. Use this mixture to soak your hands and feet for 20 minutes, to relieve itching, soreness and odor.
Mix a baking soda with water and use it to gargle with it. It will make your breath fresh.
Use it as toothpaste. Sprinkle some baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. It’s the best home remedy for teeth whitening.
You can use baking soda scrub to remove excess facial oil and dead skin cells on your face. You need to mix 1tbs. baking soda with 1 tsp. water and use it to gently scrub your face.
You can use baking soda to relieve bee stings, insect bites, itching from poison ivy, oak, etc.
Make a baking soda-water mixture and apply it to canker sores and herpes. It will dry them out very fast.
Home Remedies For Acid Reflux
You need to mix ½ tsp. baking soda with 2 tbs. of fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar. You should use a bigger cup to make this mixture, because it will fizz. Wait until the bubbling stops and then add 8 oz. water. You have to drink this remedy all at once. This mixture will neutralize the pH, it will help you relieve acid reflux and create and alkaline-forming environment in your body.
You can also use baking soda to relieve heartburn and GERD symptoms. All you have to do is mix ½ tsp. baking soda with 16 oz. water.
Other Baking Soda Home Remedies
In his book, Sodium Bicarbonate, Dr. Mark Sircus explains the findings of Dr. Simoncini, which are related with cancer overgrowth and explores alternative treatments with baking soda.
Dr. Mark explains that if you wish to prevent systematic fungal infections and protect yourselves from diabetes and cancer, you should use a mixture of baking soda and molasses.
Mix baking soda and water and gargle with it. It will remove all the oral thrush.
Drink 8 oz. water mixed with ½ tsp. baking soda, twice a day. It will help you treat urinary tract infection.
You can also use baking soda mixture with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to relieve a thrombosis.
Douche with a mixture of 1 tbs. baking soda mixed with warm water to kill Candida yeast and stop itching.
It is effective at combating everything from colds to cancer,
as well as beneficial for oral health, deodorants and so much more.
If it’s one thing you want in your home pharmacy, its baking soda.
Health benefits of baking soda include reduced risk and prevention of diarrhea, metabolic acidosis, acidity, peptic ulcer, and drug in-toxification.
It has anti-ich or antipruritic properties which help in maintaining healthy skin.
It is effective home remedy in cold and flu and plaque removal.
It is a good source of sodium – prevents hyperkalemia, bladder infection and kidney stones.
In this article we are going to talk about baking soda uses that you haven’t heard before:
Old Wives’ Remedy
After an intensive and hard exercise, you can drink a mixture of water and baking soda, to relieve your muscles.Put some baking soda on a used nail brush and use it to scrub your nails to remove grime and nail fungus.Make a mixture out of: 3 tbs. baking soda, 1 tbs. peppermint essential oil, 1 tbs. salt and warm water. Use this mixture to soak your hands and feet for 20 minutes, to relieve itching, soreness and odor.
Mix a baking soda with water and use it to gargle with it. It will make your breath fresh.
Use it as toothpaste. Sprinkle some baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it. It’s the best home remedy for teeth whitening.
You can use baking soda scrub to remove excess facial oil and dead skin cells on your face. You need to mix 1tbs. baking soda with 1 tsp. water and use it to gently scrub your face.
You can use baking soda to relieve bee stings, insect bites, itching from poison ivy, oak, etc.
Make a baking soda-water mixture and apply it to canker sores and herpes. It will dry them out very fast.
Home Remedies For Acid Reflux
You need to mix ½ tsp. baking soda with 2 tbs. of fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar. You should use a bigger cup to make this mixture, because it will fizz. Wait until the bubbling stops and then add 8 oz. water. You have to drink this remedy all at once. This mixture will neutralize the pH, it will help you relieve acid reflux and create and alkaline-forming environment in your body.
You can also use baking soda to relieve heartburn and GERD symptoms. All you have to do is mix ½ tsp. baking soda with 16 oz. water.
Other Baking Soda Home Remedies
In his book, Sodium Bicarbonate, Dr. Mark Sircus explains the findings of Dr. Simoncini, which are related with cancer overgrowth and explores alternative treatments with baking soda.
Dr. Mark explains that if you wish to prevent systematic fungal infections and protect yourselves from diabetes and cancer, you should use a mixture of baking soda and molasses.
Mix baking soda and water and gargle with it. It will remove all the oral thrush.
Drink 8 oz. water mixed with ½ tsp. baking soda, twice a day. It will help you treat urinary tract infection.
You can also use baking soda mixture with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to relieve a thrombosis.
Douche with a mixture of 1 tbs. baking soda mixed with warm water to kill Candida yeast and stop itching.
soda is likely the most inexpensive health remedy in the world. It is
effective at combating everything from colds to cancer, as well as
beneficial for oral health, deodorants and so much more. If it’s one
thing you want in your home pharmacy, its baking soda. Health benefits
of baking soda include reduced risk and prevention of diarrhea,
metabolic acidosis, acidity, peptic ulcer, and drug in-toxification. It
has anti-ich or antipruritic properties which help in maintaining
healthy skin. It is effective home remedy in cold and flu and plaque
removal. It is a good source of sodium – prevents hyperkalemia, bladder
infection and kidney stones. In this article we are going to talk about
baking soda uses that you haven’t heard before: - See more at:
and drug in-toxification,
Baking Soda Good for Nails,
bladder infection and kidney stones,
canker sores and herpes,
itching from poison ivy,
peptic ulcer,
teeth whitening,
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Ancient Elixir for Weight Control and Internal Cleansing
Magic ingredients:
1. Honey: Due to its 1:1 ratio of fructose to glucose, honey is the ideal food that fuels the liver, keeping blood sugar levels balanced, letting your recovery hormones get on with burning fat stores. Fructose lowers the Glycemic Index of glucose by entering the liver and opening the gate for glucose entry, preventing a rapid rise in blood glucose.
2. Honeybee pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in Nature in a single food. Made by honeybees from floral pollen mixed with nectar and bee enzymes, it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. Bee pollen is a complete food, rich in protein, free amino acids, vitamins, including B-complex, and folic acid. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body.
3. Sea Buckthorn berries: With an intense biodynamic power, they can be considered a “multivitamin”, containing 190 biologically active nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E (tocopherols), K, P, carotenoids, flavonoids, amino acids, phenols, folic acid; essential fatty acids, omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 together, SOD- the most important enzyme to prevent free radical damage to cells. it gives a kick-start to our metabolism, increasing thyroid activity; it lowers levels of C-reactive protein, associated with inflammation;
4. Spices: Cinnamon and cardamom stimulate energy, igniting the digestive fire. The mix of cardamom and sea buckthorn clear the stomach of toxic waste stagnation.
What other effects does this elixir have on us? (if taken consistently for a few weeks, before meals or as a snack, with fresh fruit)
1. Decrease the risk of heart disease: the flavonoids in all ingredients cause the coronary cardiac vessels to dilate, facilitate blood circulation and slightly lower the blood pressure.
2. Decrease the glycemic index and the risk of diabetes: the natural blood glucose regulator found in honey as well as fruit and vegetables regulate blood glucose levels and stabilize blood glucose to maintain a regular supply of glucose to the brain.
3. Decrease cholesterol level: the phenols in the spices
4. Anti-inflammatory: Omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoids and Phytosterols in Sea Buckthorn
5. Anti-aging – anti-oxidants from all components ensure a strong protective effect from the damaging oxidation of free radicals.
Food fads and roller-coaster diets end up doing more harm than good, starving the body of balanced nutrition and nourishment needed to build healthy cells and tissues.
What causes the magic? How does it help with weight control? This combination of honey, bee pollen, spices and a super berry has a thermogenic effect, mobilizing the extra fat deposited in the body, allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
How does it help with cleansing and detoxification? Sour and bitter flavors encourage the bile to move and flush toxins out of the liver to the relief of your newly cleansed liver cells.
1. Honey: Due to its 1:1 ratio of fructose to glucose, honey is the ideal food that fuels the liver, keeping blood sugar levels balanced, letting your recovery hormones get on with burning fat stores. Fructose lowers the Glycemic Index of glucose by entering the liver and opening the gate for glucose entry, preventing a rapid rise in blood glucose.
2. Honeybee pollen is the richest source of vitamins found in Nature in a single food. Made by honeybees from floral pollen mixed with nectar and bee enzymes, it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. Bee pollen is a complete food, rich in protein, free amino acids, vitamins, including B-complex, and folic acid. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body.
3. Sea Buckthorn berries: With an intense biodynamic power, they can be considered a “multivitamin”, containing 190 biologically active nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E (tocopherols), K, P, carotenoids, flavonoids, amino acids, phenols, folic acid; essential fatty acids, omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 together, SOD- the most important enzyme to prevent free radical damage to cells. it gives a kick-start to our metabolism, increasing thyroid activity; it lowers levels of C-reactive protein, associated with inflammation;
4. Spices: Cinnamon and cardamom stimulate energy, igniting the digestive fire. The mix of cardamom and sea buckthorn clear the stomach of toxic waste stagnation.
What other effects does this elixir have on us? (if taken consistently for a few weeks, before meals or as a snack, with fresh fruit)
1. Decrease the risk of heart disease: the flavonoids in all ingredients cause the coronary cardiac vessels to dilate, facilitate blood circulation and slightly lower the blood pressure.
2. Decrease the glycemic index and the risk of diabetes: the natural blood glucose regulator found in honey as well as fruit and vegetables regulate blood glucose levels and stabilize blood glucose to maintain a regular supply of glucose to the brain.
3. Decrease cholesterol level: the phenols in the spices
4. Anti-inflammatory: Omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoids and Phytosterols in Sea Buckthorn
5. Anti-aging – anti-oxidants from all components ensure a strong protective effect from the damaging oxidation of free radicals.
Food fads and roller-coaster diets end up doing more harm than good, starving the body of balanced nutrition and nourishment needed to build healthy cells and tissues.
What causes the magic? How does it help with weight control? This combination of honey, bee pollen, spices and a super berry has a thermogenic effect, mobilizing the extra fat deposited in the body, allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
How does it help with cleansing and detoxification? Sour and bitter flavors encourage the bile to move and flush toxins out of the liver to the relief of your newly cleansed liver cells.
Royal Jelly restores health increases the number of red blood and immune cells
jelly is a nutritious liquid secreted by the nurse bees for the
nourishment of the Queen bee. Queen bees are made, not born, and their
feeding with royal jelly is the key to that process.
The Queen is hatched from identical egg as the worker bee but is fed pure royal jelly, while the worker bee mainly gets only honey and pollen. Royal Jelly, the queen’s food, makes the queen into a super-hero.
Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly and it accounts for their size and longevity. They average 42% larger and weigh 60% more than the worker bee.
They live 40 times longer than worker bees, seven years as compared to seven weeks. It is a powerful energetic, allowing the queen to lay the number of eggs exceeding the weight of the body of the queen itself.
It is a very rich source of proteins and contains eight essential amino acids, important fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorous compounds and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell.
Too little of this compound makes individuals prone to Alzheimer’s disease. It contains gamma globulin that stimulates the immune system and fights infections.
Royal jelly contains vitamins A, B-complex, C, D and E. It is particularly useful for its B-complex contents, including B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, and inositol. Royal jelly is high in the B vitamin pantothenic acid that reduces stress levels.
It also supplies calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sulfur. It produce an age-retarding, longevity effect; it helps maintain health, youth and beauty ; it improves body functions, increases resistance to diseases, increases endurance and energy levels; it restores health, vigor and reproductive functions, tones and strengthens the skin, increases the number of red blood and immune cells.
It significantly increases metabolism and improves breathing of tissues which accelerates protein synthesis. Another feature of royal jelly is to improve the uptake of oxygen by the human brain, which significantly improves the brain activity of man: it decreases drowsiness, improves attention and memory, ability to work.
Japan conducted extensive study on the restoration of the body after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the course of their implementation, it was found that the most effective way to restore the body is eating royal jelly. And now all over Japan all children eat royal jelly 3 times a day in kindergartens and schools.
Use royal jelly mixed with honey (one spoonful of honey and 2 grams of royal jelly) every morning for a 3 week course followed by a 1 week break before reuse.
The Queen is hatched from identical egg as the worker bee but is fed pure royal jelly, while the worker bee mainly gets only honey and pollen. Royal Jelly, the queen’s food, makes the queen into a super-hero.
Queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly and it accounts for their size and longevity. They average 42% larger and weigh 60% more than the worker bee.
They live 40 times longer than worker bees, seven years as compared to seven weeks. It is a powerful energetic, allowing the queen to lay the number of eggs exceeding the weight of the body of the queen itself.
It is a very rich source of proteins and contains eight essential amino acids, important fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorous compounds and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell.
Too little of this compound makes individuals prone to Alzheimer’s disease. It contains gamma globulin that stimulates the immune system and fights infections.
Royal jelly contains vitamins A, B-complex, C, D and E. It is particularly useful for its B-complex contents, including B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, folic acid, and inositol. Royal jelly is high in the B vitamin pantothenic acid that reduces stress levels.
It also supplies calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sulfur. It produce an age-retarding, longevity effect; it helps maintain health, youth and beauty ; it improves body functions, increases resistance to diseases, increases endurance and energy levels; it restores health, vigor and reproductive functions, tones and strengthens the skin, increases the number of red blood and immune cells.
It significantly increases metabolism and improves breathing of tissues which accelerates protein synthesis. Another feature of royal jelly is to improve the uptake of oxygen by the human brain, which significantly improves the brain activity of man: it decreases drowsiness, improves attention and memory, ability to work.
Japan conducted extensive study on the restoration of the body after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the course of their implementation, it was found that the most effective way to restore the body is eating royal jelly. And now all over Japan all children eat royal jelly 3 times a day in kindergartens and schools.
Use royal jelly mixed with honey (one spoonful of honey and 2 grams of royal jelly) every morning for a 3 week course followed by a 1 week break before reuse.
Honey and Health
Heartburn: take 1 teaspoon of honey with a bit of cinnamon before a meal
Insomnia and constipation: take a spoonful of honey before going to bed to promote sleep and regulate digestion
Honey butter: fork together a spoonful of honey with coconut oil the size of a peanut and spread over your toast
Quick snacks: mix a spoonful of honey with some seeds, nuts and dried cranberries
Allergies: by ingesting the pollen that usually causes the allergies, you will become immune to the pollen in the environment
Arthritis, High cholesterol: 2 teaspoons honey + 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of water at bedtime
Immune system: take a spoonful of honey with 4 drops of propolis every day
Weight stabilization and cravings inhibition: a teaspoon of bee pollen honey half an hour before a meal
Insomnia and constipation: take a spoonful of honey before going to bed to promote sleep and regulate digestion
Honey butter: fork together a spoonful of honey with coconut oil the size of a peanut and spread over your toast
Quick snacks: mix a spoonful of honey with some seeds, nuts and dried cranberries
Allergies: by ingesting the pollen that usually causes the allergies, you will become immune to the pollen in the environment
Arthritis, High cholesterol: 2 teaspoons honey + 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of water at bedtime
Immune system: take a spoonful of honey with 4 drops of propolis every day
Weight stabilization and cravings inhibition: a teaspoon of bee pollen honey half an hour before a meal
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