Thursday, April 25, 2024

Oregano Oil


Oregano leaves and olive oil leave 4-6 weeks strain and use.
good anti inflammatory, anti fungal, anti viruses, fight cold and flu, candida, 5G illnesses

Natural Antibiotic

 One  half cup of raw Organic Honey

1 tea spoon Turmeric

Half tea spoon of ginger

1 tea spoon of vanilla.


It is anti microbial , anti bacteria, anti inflammatory, 

One tea spoon a day keep the cold cough and flu away.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Healty Seed Combination good for Bones and Metabolism

3 table spoons of raisin

1 table spoon of baking soda
3 tablespoons of pumpkin sewds
4 tablespoons of sesame seeds
8 table spoons of flaxseed
1 table spoon of unflavored gelatin
Raisins prepared previously
2 table spoons of honey


Support metabolism
Good for circulation and hearth
Combat joint pains

Have a spoon in the moring and another at night