Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Opal amplifies traits, whether those traits are good or bad, and brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. It enhances self worth, confidence and self-esteem, and helps you to understand your full potential. It also brings lightness and spontaneity. The stone is said to help stimulate originality and dynamic creativity, encourages an interest in the arts, and aids in accessing one's true self. Because the stone is absorbent and reflective, it helps you to pick up thoughts and feelings, amplify them, and return them to their source. It is a karmic stone- it encourages putting out positive emotions and teaches that what you put out comes back to you. The opal is also a representative of justice and harmony, and is a protective stone in dangerous places.

Opal has always been associated with love and passion, as well as desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. It can also act as an emotional stabilizer. Wearing an opal is said to bring about loyalty and faithfulness.

Opals have been said to be extremely beneficial in many physical realms as well, such as in treating infections and fevers. It is also said to help strengthen the memory. Furthermore, it purifying blood and kidneys, regulates insulin, eases childbirth, and alleviates PMS. It is also beneficial to the eyes, especially as an elixir. Overall, the stone is said to be the most useful in preventing bad health. It strengthens the immune system and helps the body be resilient to infection.

Opal has also been known to help those who are suffering from chemical dependencies. The stone gives the wearer strength and the ability to take back control over their lives.

Friday, May 12, 2023

How-to Fix Cold Feet

If you have cold feet or lost the sensation in your feet do the followings:

Place on a paper
Olive oil
Cayane Paper 
Wrap at night around your feet.
Repeat every 2 or 3 nights.
The sensation of hot or thigling will come back to your feet

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Anti parasitic Drugs

Albendazole is the antiparasitic drug of choice for ascariasis, trichuriasis, trichinosis, cutaneous larva migrans, hookworm, and pinworm infections. It is also used to treat the majority of roundworm (nematode) diseases.

More to ask What is the best antiparasitic medication?

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Turmeric and Cancer

Has anyone ever tried feeding pure ground turmeric powder to a wounded animal..... hen, goat, dog, etc? Anyways I have, and I discovered that the wound healed in less than 48hours with no scar left. 

I wonder if a cancer patient will respond to daily consumption of the pure ground turmeric powder, and how lung it will take for the healing to become visible. With what I have witnessed, I think someone with a skin cancer will be more appropriate for the research.

I consume it everyday now and I feel great.

Cancer Treatments using Native American Receipts

Occasionally, unexpected sources can offer proof of a plant’s medicinal value. One such instance involves a traditional recipe and plant that gained recognition through a high school Native American student’s efforts at the International Science Fair in Los Angeles. According to Indian Country Today, Destany “Sky” Pete, a member of the Shoshone and Paiute Tribes from the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Idaho and Nevada, discovered that the tribe’s current health issues stemmed from a lack of traditional foods, including the forgotten recipe for toishabui or chokecherry pudding.
 Dr. Cornell tested four types of chokecherry specimens on uterine sarcoma cancer cells, and only one sample – the traditional chokecherry pudding – successfully inhibited cancer cell growth. Within just 24 hours, the cancer cells began to die. Sky noted that the success of the pudding was due to the inclusion of the crushed chokecherry pits, which were a critical component of the recipe.

Chokeberry – The Cancer Killing Fruit

Chokecherry is a North American tree that produces small, antioxidant-rich fruits that ripen in late summer. The tiny pits of these fruits have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. Unfortunately, the pits have been largely forgotten, and the most popular recipe for chokecherry, chokecherry jam, requires the pits to be discarded. To revive the traditional medicinal use of the chokecherry, it is important to use the whole fruit, including the pits. One traditional recipe is chokecherry pudding, which includes crushed up seeds. While chokecherry seeds contain a small amount of a cyanide-like substance, it is safe to eat in small amounts, and cooking the pudding eliminates the risk. Other ways to enjoy chokecherries include making fruit leather, jam, or juice.

Chokeberry Pudding Recipe

Although the recipe for chokecherry pudding may have variations among different tribes, the key factor is to use the entire chokecherry fruit, along with the pits. It is essential to note that chokecherry is distinct from black cherry and other types of cherries, and attempting the recipe with a different fruit may result in different health benefits and possible risks.

  1. Select fresh chokeberries from the tree.
  2. Rinse the berries and put them on a hard cutting surface, preferably stone (a stone mortar may be useful, and some people utilize a meat grinder to grind the pits).
  3. Crush the pits and berries together
  4. Put the crushed mixture into a small pot of boiling water and boil until the water’s color changes.
  5. Add flour to the pot until the mixture reaches the consistency of a runny pudding.
  6. Add sugar according to taste and stir.
  7. Remove from heat, allow it allow it to cool, and enjoy.
  8. Links

Monday, March 20, 2023

Polen Seasonal Alergies

 Eat local honey one spoon a day in the morning and all seasonal pollen allergies will pass.

How to Soften Honey in a Bottle | Help Around the Kitchen : Food Network |  Food Network