Friday, February 28, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

A Cleansing Fast

A.cleansing fast of one day will begin the good work it allows the body to eliminate its burden of waste.

1. First Day. No food of any kind is to be taken during g this fast.
Pure distilled water with the juice if fresh lemon or orange is added in the portion of 1% juice and 99% water
Should be taken freshly a glass full every hour or two hours as desired.

2 On the second day  diluted fresh fruit juice lemon orange or grapefruit may be taken in proportion of t0% juice to 50% water a glass full every hour during the day.
3. On the third day a.cleansing fast of fresh fruits is indicated. You can eat abundantly your choice of any of the following fresh juicy fruits
Apples, peaches, pears papaya, grapes, plums apricots nectarines, persimmons cherries fresh fish spores oranges Texas pink grapefruit,  melon all kinds. No other foods are to be eaten during this third day if cleansing. Fresh fruits are the most eliminating of all foods and have the highest electrical  vibration. They should be eaten in their natural, unfired tree ripened state..
Avoid eating fruits sprayed by chemical poisons.non sprayed organic fresh fruits only.
Only one kind d of fruit is eaten at a.meal however as much fruit may be eaten as is desired . Meals may be spaced  three hours apart and a different t kind  of fruit eaten at each meal so that variety is obtained in that manner. The electrical energy of life is transmitted by nature to all living plants and is very abundant in juicy ripe fruit. All fruits is in it's natural uncooked state filled with vital highly electrified organic always attract more life. Juicy fruits are bathing the cells of the body internally with a cleansing organic water. It is far superior to ordinary drinking water which being inorganic is harmful.

4 On the forth day returns  to the diet of  fruits nuts sprouts and vegetables.
By practising thus cleansing g diet every month you will be amazed and delighted by the rapidity of your physical improvement. Human dis ease is named lifetronic depletion. The electric power of the human body is run down. This is because of the bullish attempt of man to change his normal environment into an abnormal one.
Man does that  by refusing to exercise, avoiding the sunlight, cooking his food, eating g foods for which his alimentary tract are  not adapted.and thinking negatively. 

All of these practices are contrary to the Nature's laws of harmony and clig the body with impurities. This prevent a  normal intake of enough life energy to vitalize and regenerate the body cells. Body mind and soul should be cleansed of obstructed that the spirit of the self can function freely and joyfully.  So the true purpose of life will be revealed to man.


Valiant Thor's Venusian Health Magic: The Vitality of Vril

by Valiant Thor, Gray Barker

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Meridian System

A systems of circuits or channels called meridians run through your body
They are considered main pathways.

There are 12 regular meridians which are connected to the major organs as well as 8 vessels or extraordinarily meridians.

These channels move blood and qi throughout the body so that is properly nourished with the free flow of dying and yang.


The recognition of a child as a living being instead of a future citizen would make institutions be concerned with the vital needs of a child, and children would be treated with kindness by the educational system.

The educators regard the child as a mechanistic chemical machine as a subject of the state or ad an adherent of this or that religion.

He presses the child into an alien  world and call this adaptation if he is liberal or discipline if he is authoritarian.

That which is alive in the child obeys cosmic laws and had not changes.

The adaptation to changeable life forms of mechanistic religions civilization creates the chaos of.contradictions in which the human animal.finds itself trapped.

The inky way out of this chaos is ti shape the life forms according to the laws of the living organism.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Hot Pineapple Water

 please spread it !!  please spread it !!
 Professor Chen Huiren of the Beijing Army General Hospital stressed that if everyone who receives this bulletin can carry ten copies to others', surely at least one life will be saved ...
 I have done some of my responsibility, hopefully you can do it too ..
  Thank you!
 Hot pineapple water can save you a lifetime
 Hot pineapple ~ can kill cancer cells.
 Cut 2 to 3 pieces of pineapple thinner in a cup, add hot water, it will be "alkaline water", drink every day, it is good for anyone.
 Hot pineapple releases anti-cancer substances, which are the latest advances in effective cancer treatment in medicine.
 The hot pineapple fruit has the effect of killing cysts and tumors.  Proven to repair all types of cancer.
 Hot pineapple water can kill all germs and toxins from the body as a result of alergic / allergies
 The type of medicine with pineapple extract only destroys * violent cells *, it does not affect healthy cells.
 In addition, amino acids and pineapple polyphenols in pineapple juice can regulate high blood pressure, effectively preventing the blockage of inner blood vessels, adjusting blood circulation and reducing blood clots.

Pineapple contains a significant amount of vitamin C, a water-soluble antioxidant that fights cell damage.

This makes vitamin C a helpful fighter against problems such as heart disease and joint pain.
Pineapple may help you keep standing tall and strong. One cup of raw pineapple chunks contains 2.6 mg of manganese, a mineral that's important for developing strong bones and connective tissue.

A 1994 study suggested that manganese, along with other trace minerals, may be helpful in preventing osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.

The variety of vitamins and minerals in pineapples have many other health benefits, too. For example, "pineapples can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a disease that affects the eyes as people age, due in part to its high amount of vitamin C and the antioxidants it contains," Flores said.

Like many other fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains dietary fiber, which is essential in keeping you regular and in keeping your intestines healthy.

But unlike many other fruits and veggies, pineapple contains significant amounts of bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein, which may help with digestion. Bromelain could also be helpful in treating osteoarthritis.

Flores noted that because of their bromelain levels, pineapples can help reduce excessive coagulation of the blood. This makes pineapple a good snack for frequent fliers and others at risk for blood clots.
In addition to having lots of vitamin C, pineapple's bromelain may help reduce mucus in the throat and nose. So if your cold has you coughing, try some pineapple chunks.

Those with allergies may want to consider incorporating pineapple into their diets more regularly to reduce sinus mucus long term

Friday, November 16, 2018

Sesame Seeds and Sprouts

  • Sesame sprouts maintain excellent hair, teeth, and bone. They are high in energy and contain an abundance of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for wellness.

  • Sesame sprouts are 25% high quality protein and are especially rich in methionine and tryptophan (amino acids often lacking in many plant proteins). Just one ounce of seeds contain approximately 6 grams of protein and 3.7 grams of fiber. However, like all sprouts, when toasted their nutritional value and protein decreases- this is why we provide you with organic seeds to sprout and to eat raw, thus benefiting from a full spectrum of nutrients.
  • Not only are sesame seeds a very good source of manganese and copper, but they are also an incredible source of calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, phosphorus and zinc. The concentrated minerals in sesame seeds have a vital role in bone mineralization, red blood cell production, enzyme synthesis, hormone production as well as regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle activities.
  • Consuming just 50 grams of sesame seeds per day provides you with all the iron your body needs.
  • Studies have shown that sesame seeds are effective against inflammation and pain in rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma attacks.
  • Just a quarter-cup of sesame seeds supplies 74.0% of the daily value for copper (providing relief for rheumatoid arthritis), 31.6% of the DV for magnesium (supporting vascular and respiratory health), and 35.1% of the DV for calcium. Sesame seeds are also high in healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
  • 100g of sesame contains about 25% of recommended daily intake of folate (folic acid). Niacin is another B-complex vitamin found abundantly in sesame along with thiamine (vitamin B1). About 4.5 mg or 28% of daily required levels of niacin is provided by just 100g of seeds.
  • In addition to these important nutrients, sesame seeds contain two unique substances: sesamin and sesamolin. Both of these substances belong to a group of special beneficial fibers called lignans, and have been shown to have a cholesterol-lowering effect in humans, and to prevent high blood pressure and increase vitamin E supplies in animals. Sesamin has also been found to protect the liver from oxidative damage.
These sprouts grow at an incredible rate and a quarter cup of seeds will expand in two days to fill an entire litre jar. Sesame seeds add a nutty taste and a delicate, almost invisible, crunch to many Asian dishes. They are also the main ingredients in tahini (sesame seed paste) and we use them, along with our sprouted chick peas, to make delicious raw hummus.

Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds

The wide range of health benefits of sesame seeds is explained in greater detail below.

Prevent Cancer

Sesame seeds are rich in oil-soluble lignans like sesamin and sesamolin, which are known for their antioxidative properties. Dr. Marjorie McCullough, Emory University, Atlanta, US, in one of her studies, concluded that dietary lignans play a potential role in cancer prevention. Furthermore, sesame seeds have a high level of vitamin E, vitamin K, and magnesium, which have a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect on the body.
The seeds also contain phytate, a rare cancer-preventing compound that functions as an antioxidant and reduces the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism that have been connected to many forms of cancer and various other conditions like heart diseases, premature aging, and cognitive malfunctions. Sesame seeds have also been positively linked to reducing the risk of leukemia, breast, lung, pancreatic, colon, and prostate cancers.

Skin Care

Sesame seeds contain zinc, a vital component in the formation of collagen, which strengthens the muscle tissue, hair, and skin. Also, sesame seed oil, rich in vitamin E, has been shown to reduce the appearance of burns and marks on the skin, as well as signs of premature aging.

Hair Health

Sesame seeds are rich in plant polyphenols which promote hair health. Sesame seed oil is often massaged into the scalp to reduce premature greying and boost hair growth because of the presence of vitamins and minerals. The amino acids and antioxidants in this oil help return the shine back in dull hair.

Boosts Heart Health

Natural oil-soluble plant lignans present in sesame seeds have been connected to a reduction in hypertension in a number of research studies. This, in turn, helps reduce the strain on your cardiovascular system and prevents various cardiac conditions. Julia Peterson et al. from Tufts University, Boston, US, in a research study, states that these bioactive phenolic plant compounds are in highest concentration in flax seeds and sesame seeds and in lower concentrations in other seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Furthermore, magnesium has long been known as a vasodilator (an agent that reduces blood pressure) and these seeds are packed with this essential mineral, containing up to 25% of your daily requirement in a single serving.

Improve Digestion

Sesame seeds are packed with a significant amount of fiber, an important element in healthy digestion. It can reduce conditions like constipation and diarrhea, while simultaneously protecting the health of your colon and reducing the chances of gastrointestinal diseases and cancer. Fiber also works for your heart, by scraping out dangerous LDL cholesterol from arteries and blood vessels, thereby protecting against atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.

Manage Diabetes

The components of sesame seeds, like magnesium, have been connected to reducing the chances of diabetes and managing its symptoms in patients having already developed the condition. Furthermore, it has been shown that sesame seed oil can positively affect the impact of various medications like glibenclamide in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. It improves this medication’s functionality and further regulates the insulin and glucose levels in the body, thereby helping to manage the symptoms of diabetes.

Boost Bone Health

Sesame is the richest source of most of the inorganic nutrients, says a report published in the Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society. The impressive levels of essential minerals like zinc, calcium, and phosphorus found in sesame seeds can be a major boost for your bone health. These minerals are integral parts in creating new bone matter, and strengthening/repairing bones that may be weakened by injury or the onset of debilitating bone conditions like osteoporosis.

Improve Oral Health

Perhaps the most notable effects of sesame seeds are its powerful effects on oral health. The process called oil pulling, in which certain amounts of sesame seed oil is swished around the mouth can have a strong antibacterial and astringent effect on all aspects of oral health. It is also closely associated with reducing the presence of the Streptococcus bacteria, a common bacteria that can wreak havoc on your oral cavities and other parts of your body.

Prevents Infertility in Men

Sesame seeds, when added to the diet of men, improves sperm quality and increases male fertility. A study published in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences showed that 25 infertile men, aged between 27 and 40 years, were given sesame seeds for three months. They showed a significant improvement in their sperm count and motility.

Reduce Inflammation

The high content of copper in sesame seeds has a number of valuable functions, including the reduction of inflammation in joints, bones, and muscles, thereby reducing the associated pain of arthritis. Furthermore, copper is an essential mineral for strengthening the blood vessels, bones, and joints. Finally, copper is necessary for the proper uptake of iron, a key component of hemoglobin. Therefore, proper copper content in the body maximizes circulation and ensures that the organ systems of the entire body receive enough oxygen to function properly.

Protect Against Radiation

One of the organic compounds in sesame seeds, called sesamol, has been associated with protecting DNA from the harmful effects of radiation, as per a study cited in Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals journal. This radiation could come from accidental sources or from the treatment of cancer by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. By protecting the DNA from mutation due to radiation, these seeds can boost strength and reduce the chances of contracting other forms of cancer due to cellular mutation.

Boost Metabolic Function

Sesame seeds contain a high amount of protein, which gets broken down and reassembled from its component parts into usable proteins for the human body. This adds to overall strength, healthy cellular growth, mobility, energy levels, and a boosted metabolic function. This is confirmed in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Eating Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds can be used in a variety of ways, either added as a sprinkled topping on salads or stews, mixed into bread, ground into a thin paste like tahini to be used in hummus or can even be blended into a powder and mixed with various smoothies. Sesame oil is also very popular and potent for natural health remedies, ranging from topical applications on the body to using the oil as a digestive or an anti-inflammatory substance.
How to roast Sesame Seeds?
You can roast or toast sesame seeds very easily, simply by spreading the seeds out in a pan (no more than 1 cup at a time) and ensuring that seeds keep moving continuously and don’t burn. You want a nice even brown color on the seeds, not black, and if you start to smell an acrid or strong smell, they’ve begun to burn. You can also set them on a baking sheet and cook them at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes.
Where to buy Sesame Seeds?
You can buy sesame seeds at all major grocery stores and natural health food stores. Basically, sesame seeds are available everywhere, as they are one of the most popular types of seeds in the world. Ranging from GNC and Walmart to smallest herbalists and natural health practitioners, sesame seeds are easily sourced.
How to eat black Sesame Seeds?
You should soak the black sesame seeds in water overnight to make them easily digestible and you can then sprinkle them on your salads, in your yogurt, or even blend them into a smoothie.
Nutritional info:

Vitamins B, C and E
Niacin, Thiamine,
Calcium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus,
Amino Acids
Protein: 13%
Traditionally Used for:
  • Heart health
  • Blood pressure
  • Hair, bones, teeth
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cholesterol
  • Arthritis
  • Weight loss
  • Asthma
  • Energy & athletic performance
  • Migraine
  • Menopause (restoring normal sleep patterns)
  • PMS symptoms
  • General health & longevity
  • Liver
  • Detox