Saturday, February 24, 2024


Mullein is an easy to recognize medicinal plant, with big fuzzy leaves and a tall flower spike with little yellow flowers.Common mullein is a biennial, which means that it takes two years to reach maturity. The first year of growth, the plants form a basal rosette, as shown above. The second year, plants put up a single tall flower spike.


Mullein has a long history of medicinal use. There are around 300 species of Verbascum, which have similar medicinal properties. Most remedies use the leaves and flowers, but some use roots, too.

Verbascum thapsus is a soothing herb with an affinity for the respiratory system. It calms and strengthens, relieving swelling and inflammation. Try mullein tea for sore throatcoughs, and chest congestion. It's been widely used to treat tuberculosis.

Try mullein flower oil for a natural earache remedy. You can use the flowers alone, or infused with garlic and/or St. Johns wort. 

Native Americans used leaf poultices for many different ailments, including sprains, bruises, and abscesses. Sometimes the leaves were crushed, sometimes boiled, before being applied to the injured area. It's also used for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and as a general nerve tonic.

For a simple poultice, place several leaves in a dish and cover them with boiling water. Allow them to cool enough to handle, then place on the affected area. You can wrap the poultice with a bandage to keep it in place, and cover with a hot water bottle to keep it warm. Mini poultices are great for drawing out slivers.

How to Make Mullein Tea

To make mullein tea, add about 1 rounded tablespoon of dried leaves to a mug. (Use slightly more for fresh leaves. Rinse fresh picked leaves before making tea.) Pour boiling water to fill the mug, cover, and steep for 15 minutes.

Strain the tea through a coffee filter or fine strainer to remove the hairs before drinking. Add honey to taste, if desired. You can also include flowers in the tea, if available.

Drink the tea as needed throughout the day. Mullein has no known interactions, though you should always check with your doctor if you are on medications.

Romans soldiers (and others) dipped the dried flower stalks were dipped in tallow and used them as torches. The leaves were placed in footwear as extra padding and to help keep feet warm.

Mullein is sometimes used as a tobacco substitute (or smoked for medicinal use). The seeds have a history of use as a fish poison (piscicide). They release saponins, glycosides, coumarin and rotenone into the water, which stun the fish and bring them to the surface.

The leaves produce a mild irritation/redness when rub against the skin, which led to the plant being used in the Victorian age as rouge. Grazing animals don't like to eat the plant because the hairs cause irritation. This makes me question the name “cowboy toilet paper”, since I suspect those hairs would irritate your bottom, too.

Mullein can also be using for dying. Kingdom Plantae states that, “The flowers make a bright yellow dye, which can be used to dye hair or cloth. The addition of sulfuric acid will produce a color-fast green. If you then add an alkali, to raise the Ph, the dye becomes brown

Information "For Entretainment purposes only"

Monday, February 12, 2024

Heavy Metals Detox

Cilantro every meal, and purple onion( with peels) and apple tea drink hot, lemon and lime water all day

(Lisa Tracy )cut up a green apple in quarters,  and same with red onion with skin. Red onion skin has natural quercetin and combined helps eliminate toxins

(Tonya Slocum )Feary you can also take most of the ingredients you listed and add tomatoes to make salsa. Tomatoes are good for detoxing heavy metals.

Celery juice, ionic foot cleanse and lymphatic massage.

Activated charcoal.

Some use a Spooky2 rife machine.

Celery juice

Most inexpensive and only product that has an access all areas to all atomic structures right out to the galactic. As it is plant medicine and isnt restricted by the body like zeolite and other products are. (While good and effective in what they do, the body wont allow them to travel everywhere).
And Immediate results in my own experience of heavy metals starting to clear. Hope this helps. Love Victoria

In Ayurveda you can introduce ghee in your diet, clarfied butter, ghee remove from the liver and DTract,  heavy things to eliminate them in your poopoo. Worms can be eliminated with warm milk boiled with garlic as a purgative, because worms influence you to crave sugar, and junk food. They affect your brain and nervous systeme.

Also soaking your feet in cider vinegar once a week helps

Yes! Bentonite clay, zeolite clay, charcoal.. with castor oil

Organic Germanium

Just eat greens, cilantro, etc .
Also, apple pectin is good.
Supplements like milk thistle and dandelion are good too.

1 Quart distilled water mix 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp celtic sea salt, stir well... then drink 1/4 of it, then every 2 hours drink another 1/4 of it.   I would add a really good vitamin c, some cilantro in diet, liquid iodine is amazing for thyroid function.  Baths are a really great way to pull out metals and parasites. I use a variety in bath;  Borax, Charcoal, Chaparral, Clay, spiralina or chlorella.  As always check with your higher self!!!  baking soda for some people can be too strong and mess with your gut bacteria..  less is more.  And like many said here the slow and steady is much better than the super flush, when it comes to heavy metals.  We are bombarded daily with all the metals falling on us from genocide stratospheric engineering, our food, water etc.   This is a LIFESTYLE integration not a 1 off or I'm gonna strip my insides of everything kinda approach.  Be loving and listen to your body... Tell your cells to gracefully ditch all the metals no longer serving my best self.. Thank you cells, every little cell in my body is happy, every little cell in my body is well.  If you tell a trillion cells what to do they actually do it that is HOW POWERFUL YOUR MIND IS!!

Oh and stop the influx of heavy metals too by using a water filter, don't eat canned tuna, don't use aluminium cookware etc

Whole body detox bath with Soda Bicarbonate, magnesium flakes, Borax, Celtic salt + bentonite clay

Sea weed.  Activated charcoal.  Lemon water in the morning.  Detox bath with epsom salt, baking soda and borax.

Celery juice, heavy metal detox smoothie-

2 cups wild blueberries
2 bananas
Atlantic dulse
Barley grass juice powder
Fresh juice of an orange