It is very important to stay in balance and harmony. This apply to the physical body as well as the mental bodies.
Truly evolved beings of planet earth are very difficult to find. They are widraw and become impersonal. Theybare widraw from the masses and can be found only by another enlightened one.
In order to perfect the human body the foods which man places in his mouth for the function of nutrition should be perfect.
It is desirable to switch from undesirable forms of eating with live food slowly but surely..
Stop drinking string black coffee, because it is depleting the mind. Younshoukd take 2 or 3 months to break the coffe habit.
Thise who indulge too frequently in candies pastries cakesof all types of sweet, fattening artifical foods should gradua change your eating habits.
Thise who eat meat do not eat it at e very meal. Learn the meaning of the word balance and apply it at every meal.
Those who are able to enter in silence contact the inner mind mentally and allow your inner mind to speak to you and tell you what you need.
Stop eating cow milk. This willnretard you spiritually.
Too many.peoples eat too my eggs. They block the higher self. Use balance when eating eggs.
Pure chocolate may be eaten occasionally is energizing and helpful in some.cases.
Alcoholic beverages may be taken. They ate not harmful provided you drink in balance. Beverages made from the juice of grapes are the drink of the GOD".
The canning food made by large canning companies lost its benefits by being overcooked.
Whenever possible it is better to eat fresh foods which have riped on the vine.
Bread with grapes is good .
Foods should be washed. Berries and fruits and blessings from the Gods.
Man can survive in berries, melons, , corn and bean sprouts.
You should eat all the foonds available however it is important how much you eat
All meat has a quality which creates worms quickly. When an animal.was killed the meat should be cooked enough to overcome.
Find the attunemed and harmony within yourself, otherwise the knowledge would nit help.
Melons should be eaten riped on the vine.
It is not good ro plave anything in your mouth too hot or too cold. Nothing you drink should be iced. This is harmfulto the living organs and cells in your body.
It is impossible for a man to become great spiritually and mentally if his physical body lags behind.