Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Detox from Vaccine


🖲Magnesium — plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle & nerve function and energy production.

🖲NAC — (a precursor to glutathione) provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects, block damages to DNA, strengthening all organs, including the brain — dissolves mucus, improves breathing & respiratory problems. NAC powers up the immune system, boosting antibodies, increasing glutathione, which fights disease & aging. NAC has been around for decades, proven to be very safe, with NO SIDE EFFECTS.

🖲Glutathione — is the body's most powerful antioxidant & counteracts the harmful effects of graphene oxide. Human bodies produce glutathione naturally but over as humans age & absorbs toxins, the production of it slows down. Children naturally have high glutathione levels. Glutathione is a body-specific antioxidant that cells need to function & survive. When you get sick, the level of glutathione can drop.

🖲Selenium — a trace element that is naturally present in many foods & available as a dietary supplement. Selenium, which is nutritionally essential for humans, is a constituent of more than two dozen selenoproteins that play critical roles in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis &  protection from oxidative damage and infection.

🖲Quercetin — have significant capability to interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication and multi-faceted anti-inflammatory and thrombin-inhibitory actions.

🖲Vitamin D/C/A – promotes immune cell proliferation, stimulates antimicrobial peptides, cytokines and immune cell proliferation, enhances mucosal Integrity, antioxidant, protects healthy cells, activated immune cells, antiviral, coordinates cellular immune response.

🖲Zinc – essential for binding capacity & optimizing lethality of immune cells. Promotes antiviral enzyme blocking viral replication.

🖲Zeolite — has a strong attraction to many heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. It also binds to & removes many chemicals like fluorine & chlorine, eliminating free radicals of all types, and it reverses acute chemical & allergic reactions, all without removing vital nutrients from the body. This makes it a maximum detoxifier.

🖲Pine Needle Tea, Fennel See, Star Anise — contains shikimic acid, high levels of antioxidants & DNA-protective properties.

🖲Dandelion Root —  blocks interaction between ACE2, spike protein & variants.

🖲Black Cumin Seed Oil — is natural alternative for Ivermectin. Nigella sativa has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The oil from its seeds are effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease — also effective against cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix & skin.

🖲Fulvic Acid & Shilajit —  have long been used in traditional medicine & reduces inflammation and boost immunity. Fulvic acid has been well studied for its effects on immune health and inflammation. Improve disease resistance, increase your immune defenses, fight inflammation, chronic diseases & enhance antioxidant activity.

🖲Bio-Fibrin — is a proteolytic enzyme (a process known as proteolysis - help dissolve proteins. There are over 700 identified human enzymes, and each enzyme has a specific biochemical reaction involving a specific substance.

Activated Charcoal, Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Spirulina, Irish Sea Moss, C-60, Power Immunity, Infrared Sauna, Green Tea, Alkaline Water, Probiotics, Cinnamon & Raw Honey, Avocado, Garlic, Turmeric, Cilantro, Ginger, Cruciferous vegetables & leafy greens are also great detoxes for the body.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Cayan Paper


Cayan paper blood thiner
In case of heart attack use cayman paper a 1/2 pea spoon in the mouth and water
Has no side effects.
Pulse will come back

Thursday, February 23, 2023

How to Get rid of Radiatiin


Hot Bath with 2-3 lb of baking soda and 2 lb sea salt.
Stay in the bathtub until.the water is getting warn. 20 minutes.

One cup of water 
1 tea spoon of baking soda
1 tea spoon of salt
Divide in 4 parts
Dring a part every 2 hours.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Treatment of Liver Cancer

The herb chaparral is used to treat liver cancer.
This is the message was given to a patient the author if the book ( The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO Connections by Jack Kewaunee Lapseritis ) Kachinas in Sedona Arizona in January 1991 at a house of a Hopi Indian .

Kachinas offered guidance and knowledge. They have kidness and compassion.

4 times a day herbs of chaparral blended and taken orally. In 5 weeks the cancer was gone.

Native Americans have also spoken of memory stones from the Sasquatch people. These stones are powerful and healing. The memory stones are red and there are cases when people got healed by touching them for 15 minutes. They are gifts from interdimensional Sasquatch people. Each stone is individually programmed like a miniarure computer with to the receiver to guide them with certain spiritual information.
Kachina (/kəˈtʃiːnə/; also katchina, katcina, or katsina; Hopi: katsina [kaˈtsʲina], plural katsinim [kaˈtsʲinim]) is a spirit being in the religious beliefs of the Pueblo peoples, Native American cultures located in the south-western part of the United States. In the Pueblo cultures, kachina rites are practiced by the Hopi, Zuni, Hopi-Tewa, and certain Keresan tribes, as well as in most Pueblo tribes in New Mexico.

In many ways the Kachina rites are the most important ceremonial observances in the Hopi religious calendar. Within Hopi religion, the kachinas are said to live on the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, Arizona. To the Hopis, kachinas are supernatural beings who visit the villages to help the Hopis with everyday activities and act as a link between gods and mortals.

Friday, January 20, 2023


Healing is much more than eliminating symptoms or curing, which are very different definitions; cures seldom result in healing.

Healing works on four levels
1. The bodies of Soul (Spirit)
2. Energy (Etheric)
3. Mind (Mental)
4. Body (Physical)

Everyone has seen evidence of people that have been cured but nit healed, especially if they do not eliminate life stressors or change their life style or belief system that does not allow for growth.

Generally unwanted symptoms will return months or years later if one does not flush and cleanse the ideals of old traditions or habits within these four bodies.

Modern western medicine focuses on curing symptoms through warfare by encouraging terms such as battle or fight for health.

Holistic shamanic healing assists souls in a transformation process to heal from the source of the disease-ease to ensure that it does not return.

Healing is interdimensional and non linear as well.

One has the ability to see the Light body outside of time and space to a place that has never known any kind of illness. Your Light body also referred as aura, a luminous field that surrounds your physical body with the imprints in your energy field ranging from emotions, to Early life to past life trauma and environmental conditions.

Your light body is often the source of dis ease and dis harmony at the core level.

Humans are born with imprints of former existences that often determine personality traits, fears and genetics in future existences.

In many cases did ease or illnesses of the physical body is due to the person allowing something to determine their fate.

Fate is the idea that someone or something else is responsible for your destiny due to circumstances such as culture gender genetics or trauma.

Healers practicing shamanism assist in removing these imprints in the light body and recalibration it so that is free of karma and aligned with all four levels of Soul Energy Mind and Body balance.

Healing is like a nurturing art. It takes love time and practice to be successful.

All souls have free will of choice and intent and the ability to manifest their desires.

Shamanism and healing of Light Bodies has been practiced in many cultures for millions of years, and they all have their unique traditions of healing for different imbalances.

Healers practice the use or Reiki energy healing natural healing with herbs and while foods, crystals and other healing devices, sonic and harmonics, color and light therapy, visual aids and patterns such as sacred geometry, numerology and the power of intention.

All of these methods allow fir spiritual growth and healing of your DNA and light body as you move through your higher level of consciousness.

You must first discover the sourc eof your dis ease, remember who you are, and desire positive change with every facet of your being. 

Message from Sa'nah-tah-re'll to Kelly Lapseritis from the book
Sasquatch Message to Humanity Book 3 Earth Ambassadors Cooperation Edited by Kelly Lapseritis

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Oregano and Garlic Peal

Oreganon1 spoon
Garlic peal 3 clives
Food for 
Blood unclog the veins
Destroy bacteria and oarasites

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Spike.Proteine Detox

  • Pine needle tea, neem, comfrey, Andrographis paniculata –  Should NOT be consumed during pregnancy.
  • Magnesium –  Overdosing is possible, and it is more difficult to detect when consuming liposomal magnesium. Therefore, consider a mixture of liposomal and conventional magnesium, or just conventional magnesium. 
  • Zinc – When consuming a multivitamin that already includes zinc, be sure to adjust the quantity of zinc consumed in other supplements.
  • Nattokinase – Do not take while using blood thinners or if you are pregnant or nursing.
  • Always consider dosing – When taking a multivitamin, remember to adjust the amount of individual supplements accordingly. (e.g. If your multivitamin contains 15mg of zinc, you should reduce your zinc supplementation by that amount.) 
  • St John’s Wort – This medicine interacts with many pharmaceutical drugs. It should not be taken if you are on other medication without advice from your doctor.

Proactive and supportive measures

Virtually all conditions are more easily managed in their early stages. After all, it is certainly preferable to avert a health crisis entirely than it is to react to one. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

A healthy diet is vital to support a healthy immune system. 

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  • Alter your diet so as to reduce consumption of pro-inflammatory food items. A low histamine diet is recommended. Avoid processed foods and GMOs.
  • The food items found in Table 1 may also be incorporated into daily diets prior to contracting Covid-19 or receiving a Covid-19 jab, if you still choose to do so.
  • Intermittent fasting: The practice of intermittent fasting involves implementing meal timing schedules that switch back and forth between periods of voluntary fasting and non-fasting. Commonly, those who practice intermittent fasting consume all of their daily calories within 6-8 hours each day. This method of dieting is used to induce autophagy, which is essentially a recycling process that takes place in human cells, where cells degrade and recycle components. Autophagy is used by the body to eliminate damaged cell proteins and can destroy harmful viruses and bacteria post-infection. 
  • Daily consumption of a multivitamin is advised. It provides a basic supply of vitamin A, vitamin E, iodine, selenium, trace elements, and more in addition to vitamin C and vitamin D3.
  • Heat therapy, such as taking saunas and hot baths, are considered a good way of detoxing spike protein.

What is the spike protein?

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The SARS-CoV-2 virus contains a spike protein on its surface. If you’ve seen images of the coronavirus, it is the sun-like protrusions often pictured on the outside of the virus. 

During a natural infection, spike proteins play a key role in helping the virus enter the cells of your body. A region of the protein, known as the S2, fuses the viral envelope to your cell membrane. The S2 region also allows for the coronavirus spike protein to be easily detected by the immune system, which then makes antibodies to target and bind the virus.

Spike proteins are also produced by your body after taking a Covid-19 jab, and they function similarly in that they are able to fuse to cell membranes. In addition, since they are made in your own cells, your cells are then targeted by your immune system in an effort to destroy the spike protein. Thus, your immune system’s response to spike proteins can damage your body’s cells.

How an RNA vaccine works 1 1
How the RNA vaccine would work 1 1

Emerging evidence is also showing that in the nucleus of our cells the spike protein impairs our cells’ ability to repair DNA.

Why should I consider a spike protein detox?

The spike protein from a natural infection or a Covid vaccine causes damage to our body’s cells, so it is important to take action to detoxify from it as best as we are able.

The spike protein is a highly toxic part of the virus, and research has linked the vaccine-induced spike protein to toxic effects. Spike protein research is ongoing.

The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organising pneumonia, and myocarditis. It is probably responsible for many of the Covid-19 vaccine side effects discussed in the WCH post-injection guide.

A Japanese biodistribution study for the Pfizer vaccine found that, in the 48 hours post-vaccination, vaccine particles had travelled to various tissues throughout the body and did not stay at the injection site, with high concentrations found at the liver, bone marrow, and ovaries. 

Emerging evidence on spikopathy suggests that effects related to inflammation and clotting may occur in any tissue in which the spike protein accumulates. In addition, peer-reviewed studies in mice have found that the spike protein is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. Thus, in humans it could potentially lead to neurological damage if it is not cleared from the body.

How to reduce your spike protein load

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Supporting people with Long Covid and post-vaccine illness is a new and emerging field of health research and practice. The following lists contain substances that may be useful. This list has been compiled by international doctors and holistic practitioners with diverse experiences in helping people recover from Covid-19 and post-injection illness. 

Luckily, there are a host of easily attainable, natural solutions to reduce your body’s spike protein load.

Some “Protein Binding Inhibitors” inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells, while others neutralize the spike protein so that it can no longer cause damage to human cells.

Spike Protein Inhibitors: Prunella vulgaris, pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, ivermectin

Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, vitamin C

  • Ivermectin has been shown to bind to the spike protein, potentially rendering it ineffective in binding to the cell membrane.
  • Several plants found in nature, including pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John’s wort, and comfrey leaf, contain a substance called shikimic acid, which may help to neutralize the spike protein. Shikimic acid may help to reduce several possible damaging effects of the spike protein, and is believed to counteract blood clot formation
  • Regular oral doses of vitamin C are useful in neutralizing any toxin.
  • Pine needle tea has powerful antioxidant effects and contain high concentrations of vitamin C.
  • Nattokinase (see Table 1), an enzyme derived from the Japanese soybean dish ‘Natto’, is a natural substance whose properties may help to reduce the occurrence of blood clots.

What is the ACE2 receptor?

The ACE2 receptor is located in the cell wall, in lung and blood vessel linings, and in platelets. Spike protein attaches to ACE2 receptors. 

It has been proposed that large concentrations of spike protein may bind to our ACE2 receptors and effectively ‘sit there’, blocking the regular functioning of these receptors in various tissues. The disruption of these receptors has been associated with a multitude of adverse effects through altered tissue functioning

  • If spike proteins bind to the cell wall and ‘stay put’, they could trigger the immune system to attack healthy cells and possibly trigger autoimmune disease. 
  • The spike protein could attach to ACE2 receptors located on blood platelets and the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, which may lead to abnormal bleeding or clotting, both of which are linked to Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT)  

How to detox your ACE2 receptors

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Substances that naturally protect the ACE2 receptors:

  • Ivermectin
  • Hydroxychloroquine (with zinc)
  • Quercetin (with zinc)
  • Fisetin 

Evidence suggests the binding of ivermectin to the ACE2 receptor prevents the spike protein from binding with it instead. 

What is Interleukin-6?

Interleukin 6, or IL-6, is a primarily pro-inflammatory cytokine protein. This means it is naturally produced by the body in response to infection or tissue damage and initiates the inflammatory response. 

Why target IL-6?

Some natural substances help the post-jab detoxification process by targeting Interleukin 6.

Scientific evidence shows that cytokines such as IL-6, are found in far higher levels among those infected with Covid when compared to uninfected individuals.

IL-6 has been used as a biomarker for Covid progression. Increased levels of IL-6 have been found in patients with respiratory dysfunction. Meta-analysis has revealed a reliable relationship between IL-6 levels and covid severity. IL-6 levels have been inversely related with T-cell count in ICU patients

Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 are also expressed post-vaccination, and studies suggest that they may reach the brain

Il-6 inhibitors have in fact been recommended by the WHO for severe Covid cases, for which they have been described as life-saving. 

How to detox from IL-6

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The following lists of natural substances, including several basic anti-inflammatory food supplements, can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action.

IL-6 Inhibitors (anti-inflammatories): Boswellia serrata (frankincense) and dandelion leaf extract 

Other IL-6 inhibitors: Black cumin (Nigella sativa), curcumin, fish oil and other fatty acids, cinnamon, fisetin (flavonoid), apigenin, quercetin (flavonoid), resveratrol, luteolin, vitamin D3 (with vitamin K2), zinc, magnesium, jasmine tea, spices, bay leaves, black pepper, nutmeg, and sage

What is furin?

Furin is an enzyme, which cleaves proteins and makes them biologically activate. 

Why target furin?

Furin has been shown to separate the spike protein and thus allow the virus to enter human cells. 

A furin cleavage site is present on the Covid spike protein, which is thought to make the virus more infectious and transmissible. 

Furin inhibitors work by preventing cleavage of the spike protein

How to detox from furin

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Substances that naturally inhibit furin:

  • Rutin
  • Limonene
  • Baicalein
  • Hesperidin

What is serine protease?

Serine protease is an enzyme.

Why target serine protease?

Inhibiting serine protease can prevent spike protein activation and also reduce viral entry to cells, hence reducing infection rate as well as severity

How to detox from serine protease

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Substances that naturally inhibit serine protease and may help to reduce spike protein levels in the body:

  • Green tea
  • Potato tubers
  • Blue green algae
  • Soybeans
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
  • Boswellia (frankincense)

What to Take? How much to take? Where does it come from? Where to get it?

Table 1. Medicines and supplements that can be considered
SubstanceNatural Source(s)Where to GetRecommended Dose
IvermectinSoil bacteria (avermectin) On prescription
0.4mg/kg weekly for 4 weeks
If symptomatic, refer to the FLCCC I-Recover Protocol
*Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use
HydroxychloroquineOn prescription200mg weekly for 4 weeks
*Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use
Vitamin CCitrus fruits (e.g. oranges) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts)Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online6-12g daily (divided evenly between sodium ascorbate (several grams), liposomal vitamin C (3-6g) & ascorbyl palmitate (1 – 3g)
Prunella Vulgaris (commonly known as self-heal)Self-heal plantSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online7 ounces (207ml) daily
Pine Needles Pine treeSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineConsume tea 3 x daily (consume oil/resin that accumulates in the tea also)
NeemNeem treeSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineAs per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions
Dandelion Leaf ExtractDandelion plantSupplement (dandelion tea, dandelion coffee, leaf tincture): natural food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online  Tincture as per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)High-protein foods (beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, salmon, tuna)Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 1200mg daily (in divided doses)
Fennel Tea  Fennel plantSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineNo upper limit. Start with 1 cup and monitor body’s reaction.
Star Anise TeaChinese evergreen tree (Illicium verum)Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online
No upper limit. Start with 1 cup and monitor body’s reaction.
St John’s WortSt John’s wort plantSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineAs directed on supplement
Comfrey LeafSymphytum plant genusSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineAs directed on supplement
Nattokinase Natto (Japanese soybean dish)Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineAs directed on supplement
Boswellia serrata  Boswellia serrata treeSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineAs directed on supplement
Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa)Buttercup plant familyGrocery stores, health food stores 
CurcuminTurmericGrocery stores, health food stores 
Fish OilFatty/oily fishGrocery stores, health food storesUp to 2000mg daily
CinnamonCinnamomum tree genusGrocery store 
Fisetin (Flavonoid)Fruits: strawberries, apples, mangoes Vegetables: onions, nuts, wineSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 100mg daily (Consume with fats)
ApigeninFruits, veg & herbs parsley, chamomile, vine-spinach, celery, artichokes, oreganoSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online50mg daily  
Quercetin (Flavonoid)Citrus fruits, onions, parsley, red wineSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 500mg twice daily, Consume with Zinc
ResveratrolPeanuts, grapes, wine, blueberries, cocoaSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 1500mg daily for up to 3 months
LuteolinVegetables: celery, parsley, onion leaves
Fruits: apple skins, chrysanthemum flowers
Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online100-300mg daily (Typical manufacturer recommendations)
Vitamin D3Fatty fish, fish liver oilsSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online5000 – 10,000 IU daily 
Vitamin KGreen leafy vegetablesSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online90-120mcg daily  (90 for women, 120 for men)
ZincRed meat, poultry, oysters, whole grains, milk productsSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online11-40mg daily  
MagnesiumGreens, whole grains, nutsSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 350mg daily 
Jasmine TeaLeaves of common jasmine or Sampaguita plantsGrocery store, health food storesUp to 8 cups per day
Spices Grocery store 
Bay LeavesBay leaf plantsGrocery store 
Black PepperPiper nigrum plantGrocery store 
NutmegMyristica fragrans tree seedGrocery store 
SageSage plantGrocery store 
RutinBuckwheat, asparagus, apricots, cherries, black tea, green tea, elderflower teaSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online500-4000mg daily  (consult healthcare provider before taking higher-end doses)
LimoneneRind of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and limesSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 2000mg daily
BaicaleinScutellaria plant genusSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online100-2800mg  
HesperidinCitrus fruitSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, onlineUp to 150mg twice daily
Green TeaCamellia sinensis plant leavesGrocery storeUp to 8 cups of tea a day or as directed on supplement 
Potatoes tubersPotatoesGrocery store 
Blue Green AlgaeCyanobacteriaSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online1-10 grams daily
Andrographis PaniculataGreen chiretta plantSupplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online400mg x 2 daily

*Check for contradictions
Milk Thistle ExtractSilymarinSupplement; Health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online200mg x 3 daily
Soybeans (organic)SoybeansGrocery store, health food stores 

Most of these items are easily accessible in local grocery stores or as nutritional supplements in health food stores.

Note: This list is not comprehensive and other substances, such as serrapeptase and CBD oil, have also been suggested. The World Council for Health will continue to update this spike protein detox document as new information emerges.

Some holistic practitioners also recommend substances to cleanse the body of metals after vaccination, such as zeolite and activated charcoal. The WCH will prepare guidance on how to detox from metals in due course.

Top ten spike protein detox essentials:

  • Vitamin D 
  • Vitamin C
  • NAC (N-acetylcysteine)
  • Ivermectin 
  • Nigella seed
  • Quercetin
  • Zinc 
  • Magnesium 
  • Curcumin
  • Milk thistle extract

For more information and specific protocols, here are a few websites that may be of interest: 

Click here to download a PDF guide from Caring Healthcare Workers Coalition.